Behind the hope that computers can replace teachers is the idea that the student

游客2024-01-13  26

问题 Behind the hope that computers can replace teachers is the idea that the student’s understanding of the subject being taught consists in knowing facts and rules, the job of a teacher being to make the facts and rules explicit and convey them to the student, either by practice drills or by coaching. If that were indeed the way the mind works, the teacher could transfer facts and rules to the computer, which would replace the teacher as drillmaster and coach. But since understanding does not consist merely of knowing facts and rules, but of the grasp of the general concepts underlying them, the hope that the computer will eventually replace the teacher is fundamentally misguided. Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s conclusion that computers will not eventually be able to replace teachers?

选项 A、Computers are as good as teachers at drilling students on facts and rules.
B、The job of a teacher is to make students understand the general concepts underlying specific facts and rules.
C、It is possible to program computers so that they can teach the understanding of general concepts that underlie specific facts and rules.
D、Because they are not subject to human error, computers are better than teachers at conveying facts and rules.
E、It is not possible for students to develop an understanding of the concepts underlying facts and rules through practice drills and coaching.

答案 C

解析 本题的论述根据计算机不能教授学生理解和掌握事实与规则所内含的整体概念,作出了计算机不能最终代替老师的结论,因此要削弱该结论,就要削弱该结论所依赖的前提。若计算机编程能使计算机具有教授学生如何理解具体事实和规则所内含的整体概念的能力,该结论显然将不能成立,因此(C)是正确答案。