Dance critic from Europe: The improved quality of ballet in the United States is

游客2024-01-13  32

问题 Dance critic from Europe: The improved quality of ballet in the United States is the result of more Europeans’ teaching ballet in the United States than ever before. I know the proportion of teachers who were born and trained in Europe has gone up among ballet teachers in the United States, because last year, on my trip to New York, more of the ballet teachers I met were from Europe—born and trained there—than ever before. Which of the following identifies a questionable assumption made by the dance critic’s reasoning?

选项 A、The argument overlooks the possibility that some ballet teachers in the United States could have been born in Europe but trained in the United States.
B、The argument assumes that the ballet teachers whom the critic met last year on the critic’s trip to New York were a generally typical group of such teachers.
C、The argument assumes that the teaching of ballet in the United States is superior to the teaching of ballet in Europe.
D、Other possible reasons for the improved mental attitudes of United States dancers arc not examined.
E、The argument assumes that dancers born and trained in Europe are typically more talented than dancers born and trained in the United States.

答案 B

解析 本题实际上属于逻辑应用与技法类题目,并且这类推理范式已考查过许多。一般地,当由局部(纽约遇见的芭蕾舞教师)推至一般(美国的芭蕾舞教师)时,结论的正确所必须依据的假设是局部不特殊或局部具有代表性.(B)指出该论述假设该批评家在其去年去纽约时遇见的教师群在这类教师中具有典型代表性,从而指出了该批评家在推理过程中所使用的一项有疑问的假设。(A)并不能作为一个假设;(C)是上面段落中未提到的新比较;(D)、(E)均不沾边。