The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historian who writes about

游客2024-01-13  13

问题 The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their own time.

选项 A、the historian who writes about it inevitably reflects
B、the historian writing about it will inevitably reflect
C、a historian writing about it inevitably reflects
D、writing about it, it is inevitable for historians to reflect
E、historians in writing about it inevitably reflect

答案 E

解析 A、B、C中共同的错误是:无论是the historian还是a historian,均为单数,与句末未划线的their无法对应;D中writing的逻辑主语historians与句子的主语it不一致(可参看分词一章);E中in writing about it可理解为:在写有关历史的文章的时候。