The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barriers being

游客2024-01-13  6

问题 The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts in the value of the dollars, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our competitiveness.

选项 A、being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our exports failing
B、worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the failure of our exports
C、worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of our exports
D、in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and also about the failure of our exports
E、because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barriers, also concerning the failure of our exports

答案 C

解析 划线部分显然是一个插入成分,且是对主语的限定和修饰。由于and前后的对称要求,可以迅速排除B(also不能作并列连词)和D(and和also属于重复)。E同B类似,剩下A、C。A中的being多余,且根据第一章名词词组的核心词原则,A可理解为:现在的政府担心贸易壁垒和我们的出口,此搭配与句意不符。再看C:担心贸易壁垒的消除和增加出口的失败,这种动宾搭配显然顺理成章,且两个名词词组结构对称,表达上很符合习惯。此处worried不是worry的过去分词形式,而是形容词,该插入语是一个形容词短语对逗号前主语进行限定。还需注意,此处and之后并未补出over是因为这里两个名词词组明显是over的宾语(再理解“尽量”的说法)。需要指出的是,B、D、E还有其他错误,B中的worrying不妥当;D中in that引导的状语从句显然不能修饰主语这个名词短语,作插入语也不合适;E中的because of短语显然没有C简洁,且worried后一般用about,不用concerning。