Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protege when he was nineteen and,

游客2024-01-13  10

问题 Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protege when he was nineteen and, for a few In contrast to true hibernators such as woodchucks and hedgehogs, whose body temperatures drop close to the freezing point during the winter months, the body temperature of bears remains nearly normal throughout their prolonged sleep.

选项 A、the body temperature of bears remains nearly normal
B、a nearly normal body temperature is maintained by bears
C、a bear’s body temperature remains nearly normal
D、a bear maintains a body temperature that is nearly normal
E、bears maintain a nearly normal body temperature

答案 E

解析 in contrast to同样有比较含义,要求比较对象有可比性。A、B、C中逗号之后主语都与true hibernators没有可比性,D中的that is nearly normal属于复杂化表达。