The distinctive hereditary tartans that are alleged to be worn since antiquity b

游客2024-01-13  4

问题 The distinctive hereditary tartans that are alleged to be worn since antiquity by members of the Highland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufacturers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

选项 A、that are alleged to be worn
B、alleged to have been worn
C、that are worn, it was alleged,
D、alleged as having been worn
E、that are worn, allegedly,

答案 B

解析 本句中,allege这一动作显然是发生在wear此动作之后,也就是说allege之后的动词不定式应该用完成体,而不是一般形式to wear,这一点还可以由since antiquity这一修饰wear的词组再次证实。A、C、D、E几个选项要么表达复杂,要么改变了句意。同时B中用过去分词短语形式,比定语从句修饰简洁。