The company is negotiating to sell its profitable credit card subsidiary, which

游客2024-01-13  11

问题 The company is negotiating to sell its profitable credit card subsidiary, which it plans to use money from to acquire some of the mortgage-servicing operations that are being sold by troubled savings institutions.

选项 A、subsidiary, which it plans to use money from
B、subsidiary, from which it plans to use money
C、subsidiary, and it plans the use of money from that
D、subsidiary and plans to use money from that sale
E、subsidiary and plans the use of money from that sale

答案 D

解析 A中从语法上讲,which应指代credit card subsidiary,但在逻辑上讲不通,并且介词from未前置。而B同A一样,先行词代人从句中说不通。E中plans the use of money的表达不符合plan to do sth.的习惯用法。C、D进行比较,C的表达有两个缺陷:(1)and前后两个并列动作的主语都是the company,因此plan之前的it属多余;(2)that只能指代credit card subsiding,与A、B的错误无本质区别。D中用that sale清楚表明了“钱来自于to sellits profitable creditcared subsiding”;D同时提示A、B更重要的错误之处在于把本属于两个同等重要的动作改为一主一次(用非限定性从句表达),改变了句子的重心。