Based on account of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy pic

游客2024-01-13  6

问题 Based on account of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea "the good goddess."

选项 A、Based on accounts of various ancient writers
B、Basing it on various ancient writers’ accounts
C、With accounts of various ancient writers used for a basis
D、By the accounts of various ancient writers they used
E、Using accounts of various ancient writers

答案 E

解析 scholars不能作based on or basing的逻辑主语,排除A、B、C。D中的介词短语不能表明原意;选E,简洁明了,准确表达了句意。