According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,

游客2024-01-13  9

问题 According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.

选项 A、equivalent to the enrollment of
B、the equivalent of those enrolled in
C、equal to those who are enrolled in
D、as many as the enrollment of
E、as many as are enrolled in

答案 E

解析 equivalent作形容词时,之后跟to;作名词时,之后跟of;A、B、C错在使用equal to或者equivalent to/of会导致逻辑搭配不当,即:将近八百万的人等于全国四年制大学的入学人数, “等于”在此处是不妥的(暗示两者等价),而原句是指一样多,应用as many as的结构表达,D中比较物不具可比性(复数的people和单数的enrollment),E正确。请注意:E中比较之后省略了主语people,它本应该在are之前。