During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more effi

游客2024-01-13  4

问题 During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid than to go to state or federal agencies.

选项 A、that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who sought financial aid
B、that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to solicit private funds
C、that for environmentalists seeking financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient to go to
D、for environmentalists seeking financial aid, going to private organizations was far more efficient
E、for environmentalists who sought financial aid, private organizations were far more efficient

答案 B

解析 由it become clear可以确认clear之后跟that从句,it是形式主语,that从句才是真正的主语,可立即排除D、E。再由未划线部分than之后的动词不定式结构,去A、B、C中找同样的结构,B中有to solicit private funds,C中是to go to,C中的动词不定式缺宾语;而B中的动词不定式与未划线部分的to go to state or federal agencies形式最一致,均为动宾结构,再加上B中than之前的private与than之后的state和federal的相对应,无需理解句意即可断定B必为答案。