To obtain an FHA mortgage for $50,000 or more, the home buyer must have a down p

游客2024-01-12  5

问题 To obtain an FHA mortgage for $50,000 or more, the home buyer must have a down payment equal to 4 percent of the first $25,000 of the mortgage amount and 5 percent of the portion in excess of $25,000. At settlement the buyer pays a mortgage insurance premium equal to 3 percent of the mortgage amount. What is the maximum FHA mortgage, if any, a buyer can obtain if the buyer has only $6,000 available for the down payment and insurance premium?

选项 A、$62500
E、The home buyer cannot obtain an FHA mortgage.

答案 C

解析 为了获得50000美元或更多的FHA的住房抵押贷款,购房者的首期付款必须相当于第一期住房抵押贷款25000美元的4%和超过25000美元以上部分的5%。在入住时,购房者付一个相当于住房抵押贷款量3%的住房贷款保险费。若一个购房者仅有6000美元付首期付款和保险费,问该购房者能从FHA获得的最大的住房贷款额是多少?
解:本题的正确答案是(C)。题目中出现了许多金融业的词语,例如mortgage指住房抵押贷款,down payment指首期付款,insurance premium指保险费,另外Settlement指入住或安家,住房抵押贷款指付了首期的down payment后就可以搬入新房了。设最大住房抵押贷款额为x,则由题意可得:25000×4%+(x-25000)×5%+x×3%=6000 → x=78125