The median score for the class is [br] If the mean score for the juniors were kn

游客2024-01-12  9

问题 The median score for the class is [br] If the mean score for the juniors were known, which of the following could be calculated from the information given?
I    The range of the scores for the seniors
II   The median score for the juniors
III  The mean score for the seniors

选项 A、None
B、I only
C、III only
D、I and II
E、II and III

答案 C

解析 若大学三年级学生的平均分数已知,那么根据给出的信息可以计算出下面哪一项? I 大学四年级学生分数的值域; II大学三年级学生分数的中数; III大学四年级学生分数的平均值