It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to
It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to
It may be debated whether individual neurons are "tuned" to react to only a
single tastant such as salt or sugar-and therefore signal only one taste
quality-or whether the activity in a given neuron contributes to the neural
Line representation of more than one taste. Studies show that both peripheral and
(5) central gustatory neurons typically respond to more than one kind of stimulus,
and although each neuron is attuned most acutely to one tastant, it usually also
generates a reaction to others with dissimilar taste qualities. How then can the
brain represent various taste qualities if each neuron is receptive to many
different-tasting stimuli?
(10) Electrophysiological studies of gustatory sensory neurons, first performed
by Pfaffmann, demonstrated that peripheral neurons are not specifically
responsive to stimuli representing a single taste quality (which might be
symbolized by the pattern of activity across gustatory neurons because the
activity of any one cell was ambiguous) but instead record a spectrum of tastes.
(15) But in the 1970s and 1980s several scientists began to accumulate data indicating
that individual neurons are tuned maximally for one taste, and they interpreted
this as evidence that activity in a particular type of cell represented a given taste
quality—an idea they called the labeled-line hypothesis. According to this idea,
activity in neurons that experience the strongest reaction to sugar would signal
(20) "sweetness," activity in those that are most sensitive to acids would signal
"sourness", and so forth.
Smith later proved that the same cells that previous researchers had
interpreted as labeled lines actually defined the similarities and differences in
the patterns of activity across taste neurons, suggesting that the same neurons
(25) were responsible for taste-quality representation, whether they were viewed as
labeled lines or as critical parts of an across-neuron pattern. These investigators
further established that the neural distinction among stimuli of different
qualities depended on the simultaneous activation of different cell types, much
as with the function of color vision, but unlike auditory perception. These and
(30) other considerations have led us to favor the idea that the patterns of activity
are key to coding taste information.
Scientists now know that things that taste similarly evoke similar patterns
of activity across groups of taste neurons. Furthermore, we can compare these
patterns and use multivariate statistical analysis to plot the similarities in the
(35) patterns elicited by various tastants. Taste researchers have generated such
comparisons for gustatory stimuli from the neural responses of hamsters and
rats and these correspond very closely to similar plots generated in behavioral
experiments, from which we may infer which stimuli taste alike and which taste
different to animals. Such data show that the across-neuron patterns contain
(40) sufficient information for taste discrimination and this may be a reasonable
explanation for neural coding in taste, though researchers continue to debate
whether individual neuron types play a more significant role in taste coding than
they do in color vision. Scientists question whether taste is an analytic sense, in
which each quality is separate, or a synthetic sense like color vision, where
(45) combinations of colors produce a unique quality. [br] According to the passage, Pfaffman’s theory differs from that which has been most recently considered by scientists in that it
A、postulates that peripheral neurons do not respond to a greater extent to stimuli representing a single taste quality
B、ignores the crucial difference between central and peripheral gustatory neurons in their role as mechanisms of taste
C、implies that the activity of any individual taste cell, taken by itself, is ambiguous
D、fails to acknowledge that specific gustatory neurons are associated with particular tastes
E、relies primarily upon research data that has come from human, rather than animal, subjects
苯二氮 类药物的不良反应包括()。A.嗜睡、乏力 B.久用可产生耐受性
从试题内容上看,笔试试题主要包括()。A.技术性笔试 B.非技术性笔试 C
尿黑酸症是由于主要缺乏( )。A.苯丙氨酸羟化酶 B.尿黑酸氧化酶 C.酪