Feminist critics have long debated the extent to which gender plays

游客2024-01-11  14

问题              Feminist critics have long debated the extent to which gender plays a role in the
        creation and interpretation of texts. Androgynist poetics, rooted in mid-Victorian
        women’s writing, contends that the creative mind is sexless, but
Line     from the 1970s on, many feminist critics rejected the idea of the genderless
(5)      mind, finding that the imagination cannot evade conscious or unconscious
        structures of gender which is part of culture-determination where separating
        imagination from the self is impossible.
            The Female Aesthetic, expressing a unique female consciousness in
        literature, spoke of the "female vernacular, the Mother Tongue, a powerful but
(10)     neglected women’s culture. "Virginia Woolf discusses how a woman writer
        seeks within herself "the pools, the depths, the dark places where the largest
        fish slumber," inevitably colliding against her own sexuality to confront
        "something about the body, about the passions. " Accessible to men and women
        alike, but representing female sexual morphology, this method sought a way of
(15)     writing which literally embodied the female, thereby fighting the
        subordinating, linear style of classification or distinction.
           It must be admitted that there are problems with the Female Aesthetic that
        feminist critics themselves recognized. For instance, they avoided defining
        exactly what constituted their writing style, as any definition would then
(20)     categorize it and safely subsume it as a genre under the linear patriarchal
        structure-its very restlessness and ambiguity defied identification as part of its
        identity. Some feminists and women writers could feel excluded by the
        surreality of the Female Aesthetic and its stress on the biological forms of
        female experience, which also bear close resemblance to essentialism. Men may
(25)     try their hand at writing woman’s bodies, but according to the feminist
        critique, only a woman whose very biology gave her an edge could read these
        texts successfully-a position which, worst of all, risked marginalization of
        women’s literature and theory.
           Later, Gynocritics attempted to resolve some of these problems, by
(30)     agreeing that women’s literature lay as the central concern for feminist
        criticism but rejecting the concept of an essential female identity and style,
        while simultaneously seeking to revise Freudian structures by emphasizing a
        Pre-Oedipal phase wherein the daughter’s bond to her mother inscribes the key
        factor in gender identity. Matriarchal values dissolve intergenerational conflicts
(35)     and build upon a female tradition of literature rather than the struggle of
        Oedipus and Lais at the crossroads. Lastly and most promising in its
        achievement of a delicate balance are developments of an over-arching gender
        theory, which considers gender, both male and female, as a social construction
        built on biological differences. Gender theory proposes to explore ideological
(40)     inscription and the literary effects of the sex/gender system, opening up the
        literary theory stage and bringing in questions of masculinity into feminist
        theory. Taking gender as a fundamental analytic category brings feminist
        criticism from the margin to the center, though it risks depoliticizing the study
        of women. [br] According to the passage, the greatest risk posed by the feminist theories, like the Female Aesthetic, which posit the existence of an "essential" or non-constructed gender is in

选项 A、creating a dead-end for feminist literary criticism by attacking the notion of an androgynist poetics
B、reinforcing sexist notions that women cannot emulate the literary style of men
C、pushing feminist writing out of the mainstream by arguing that men are unable to full comprehend women’s writing
D、relying too heavily on the theories of Freud, under which identity is the product of biology
E、escaping identification with the literary canon through the use of a fluid and protean literary style

答案 C
