Many nutritionists, having known for decades that saturated fat, fou
Many nutritionists, having known for decades that saturated fat, fou
Many nutritionists, having known for decades that saturated fat, found in
abundance in red meat and dairy products, raises blood cholesterol levels that
are in turn associated with a high risk of coronary heart disease, have fallen
Line victim to the temptation of simplifying dietary recommendations to facilitate
(5) public nutrition education. After decades of promoting the consumption of all
complex carbohydrates and eschewing all fats and oils, much of this theory has
been discredited.
Controlled feeding studies in which the participants eat carefully prescribed
diets for several weeks substantiated that saturated fat increases cholesterol
(10) levels, and that polyunsaturated fat-found in vegetable oils and fish-reduces
cholesterol. Dietary advice should therefore emphasize the replacement of
saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, not total fat reduction. The subsequent
doubling of polyunsaturated fat consumption that this advice might inspire could
potentially contribute to a halving of coronary heart disease rates.
(15) Indeed, the argument that fat in general is to be avoided has been hastily
extrapolated from observations that affluent Western countries have both high intakes
of fat and high rates of coronary heart disease. This correlation is limited to saturated
fat, however, for societies in which people eat relatively large portions of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat (whose health benefits are nearly identical)
(20) tend to have lower rates of heart disease. On the Greek island of Crete, for
instance, where the traditional diet contained much olive oil, a rich source of
monounsaturated fat, and fish, a source of polyunsaturated fat, fat constituted
40 percent of the calories in this diet, but the rate of heart disease was lower
than the rate for those who followed the traditional diets of Japan, where fat
(25) composes only 8 to 10 percent of the calories. Furthermore, international
comparisons of overall fat intake can be misleading: many negative influences
on health, such as smoking, physical inactivity and high amounts of body fat,
are also correlated with Western affluence. Many nutritionists decided it would
be too difficult to educate the public about these subtleties, instead advocating a
(30) clear, simple message that fat was insalubrious.
The wisdom of this practice has further come into question as researchers
discover that the two main cholesterol-carrying chemicals, low-density
lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), have very different
effects on the risk of coronary heart disease, such that increasing the ratio of
(35) LDL to HDL in the blood raises the risk, whereas decreasing the ratio has the
opposite effect. Unfortunately, certain controlled feeding studies have shown
that when a person replaces calories from saturated fat with an equal amount of
calories from carbohydrate-rich polyunsaturated fats, not only the levels of LDL
and total cholesterol diminish, but also the level of HDL, and thus in only a
(40) limited reduction in risk accrues from shifting to a polyunsaturated fat diet. [br] According to the passage, which of the following is characteristic of lipoproteins?
A、The dangers of lower density lipoproteins and the dangers of higher density lipoproteins are remarkably similar in the case of coronary heart disease.
B、A higher ratio of higher density lipoproteins to lower density lipoproteins has a salubrious effect on heart disease.
C、A shift from a polyunsaturated fat diet to a saturated fat diet tends to increase the risk of coronary heart disease stemming from high-density lipoproteins.
D、A shift from a polyunsaturated fat diet to a saturated fat diet tends to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease stemming from low-density lipoproteins.
E、Controlled feeding studies have yet to establish the feasibility of attempting to manipulate lipoprotein ratios through dietary change.
切除小肠哪部分对营养素吸收影响最大,最易引起营养不良( )。A.十二指肠 B
A.传染性单核细胞增多症 B.副伤寒 C.肺结核 D.全身型类风湿病 E
在传染病潜伏期的人群,下列哪项预防注射无效A.高效价免疫球蛋白 B.丙种球蛋白
工程建设各阶段质量的主要内容包括()。A.项目可行性研究 B.项目协调 C
X的分布列如表所示,则概率P(2≤X A.P2+P3+P4+P5B.P
再植的断手,最好的保存方法是A.放于无菌生理盐水中 B.放于林格液中 C无菌