Though one may question the degree to which the Civil War represents
Though one may question the degree to which the Civil War represents
Though one may question the degree to which the Civil War represents a
milestone in women’s pursuit of social, economic, and political equality,
Leonard’s recent study has excelled that of her predecessor Ginzberg in
Line debunking persistent myths about women’s primary relation to the war as
(5) weeping widows, self-sacrificing wives, patriotic fiancées, and loyal daughters.
Leonard asks if the wartime work of northern women influenced popular
perceptions of women’s abilities, and if home front production were seen as
contributing to the readiness of soldiers. Finding in the affirmative, she argues
that home front activities generated respect for women’s organizational talents
(10) and opened up new work opportunities for women, while participation
reinforced their self-reliance and self-esteem.
In contrast to her predecessors, who saw the war as transforming the
ideology of benevolence, Leonard finds that women’s war work drew heavily
upon the antebellum ideology of women’s nature and sphere. It was once
(15) believed that wartime benevolence heightened changes emerging in the 1850s
by replacing the antebellum ideology of gender difference and female moral
superiority with a new ideology of gender similarity and a more masculine ethos
of discipline and efficiency. Leonard asserts instead that white, middle-class,
Yankee, charitable women appropriated the antebellum moral definition of
(20) womanhood and, in particular, woman’s unique moral responsibility for
maintaining community and her natural selflessness and caretaking abilities, to
expand the boundaries of woman’s proper place. With determination and
courage, women brought forth positive changes in popular characterizations of
middle-class womanhood that opened new doors for women in the professions
(25) and in public life.
A weak point of Leonard’s theory is her assessment of the themes of
postwar histories of women’s wartime service. Leonard views these works as
extolling women’s self-sacrifice and ability to cooperate with men while
downplaying women’s demands for status and pay and ignoring the scope of
(30) women’s administrative genius. But other theorists, most notably Ginzberg,
have argued that these same works may also be viewed as praising the efficiency
of the new centralized and national charitable organizations, women’s wage-
earning capacity, and their subordination of feminine feeling and enthusiasm to
(40) business-like and war-like routinization and order. Two sets of values-older
notions of benevolence and new demands of public service-were at war in the
North, a war that can be plotted through tensions about paying wages,
centralizing corporate functions of benevolence, relating benevolence to
government, and using funds for administrative-as opposed to strictly
(45) charitable-purposes. It may well be that wartime masculinization of the
ideology of benevolence pushed women further from both the symbolic and the
real centers of power for social change and hastened instead a class-based
alliance for social welfare. But we can agree with Leonard that the war forced
men to yield ground, sharing and sometimes even surrendering territory,
power, and status in the public realm. [br] Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A、The author compares and contrasts the work of several historians and then discusses areas for possible new research.
B、The author presents his thesis, draws on the work of several historians for evidence to support his thesis, and concludes by reiterating his thesis.
C、The author describes some features of a historical study and then uses those features to put forth his own argument.
D、The author summarizes a historical study, examines two main arguments from the study, and then shows how the arguments are potentially in conflict with one another.
E、The author presents the general argument of a historical study, describes the study in more detail, and concludes with a brief judgment of the study’s value.
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()不属于混合型基金。A.对冲配置型基金 B.股债平衡型基金 C.偏股型基
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