Repression of painful memories is sometimes called "willed forgetting." Yet true

游客2024-01-11  10

问题 Repression of painful memories is sometimes called "willed forgetting." Yet true forgetting is(i)______than the phenomenon of repressed memory. In spite of the effort that it(ii)______, repressing unwanted memories is less(iii)______ than truly forgetting them, for repressed memories are prone to come back.


答案 B,F,G

解析 This question is best answered by first completing the third blank.
    The third sentence sets up a comparison between repressing memories and forgetting them. The word "for" indicates that the last part of the sentence-—"repressed memories are prone to come back"—presents the basis of that comparison. Choice G, "permanent," is the only choice that is related to the tendency to come back.
    Working backward, the sentence begins with "In spite of," suggesting that the correct choice for the second blank is contrary to what one might expect. One would ordinarily expect that something entailing effort would be more rather than less permanent. Neither "eases" nor "conveys" sets up such an expectation.
    Filling the second and third blanks makes it possible to fill the first blank. Nothing in the completed text suggests that true forgetting is "more common" or "less controlled" than the repression of painful memories, but it does suggest that true forgetting is different in its effect—it is more permanent. Thus, Choice B, "different in its effect," is correct.
    Thus, the correct answer is different in its effect(Choice B), entails(Choice F), and permanent(Choice G).