If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer from t

游客2024-01-11  31

问题 If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer from this condition, they may be able to suggest drug therapies or other treatments that could______the effects of the damage.
A mitigate
B exacerbate
C specify
D identify
E ameliorate
F stabilize


答案 A,E

解析 The sentence suggests that more information about a damaging condition will allow researchers to lessen future negative effects. While "specify" and "identify" create sentences with approximately the same meaning, the sentence also suggests that the researchers are seeking to control effects that are already known rather than needing further specificity or identification. Even in this limited context, it is unreasonable that researchers would wish to "exacerbate" or increase the negative effects of damage, and there is no other word that creates a sentence with the same meaning. "Stabilize" implies that the negative effects would simply be controlled, rather than lessened, and likewise there is no other word that produces a sentence with the same meaning. Thus the correct answer is mitigate(Choice A)and ameliorate(Choice E).