There is no point in combing through the director s work for hints of ideologica

游客2024-01-11  6

问题 There is no point in combing through the director s work for hints of ideological significance. It is unnecessary: his ideology—Marxist, anti-imperialist, aligned with the perceived interests of the powerless and the marginal—is the(i)______ of his films. The clarity and force of that ideology are considerable, but its (ii)______sometimes bothers critics, who often scold the director for lacking (iii)______.


答案 B,D,H

解析 The colon in the second sentence indicates that the second half of the sentence will explain the first, so Blank(i)must contain a phrase that explains why it is needless to search the director s work for hints of ideology. "Chief impetus" does so, since it implies that the director s ideology is so obvious that "combing through" it for hints is not needed. The other two choices are incorrect because they suggest on the contrary a need for deeper analysis to detect what is "hidden" or "murky" in the films. Blank(ii)calls for an aspect of the directors ideology that bothers critics. The first part of the sentence mentions the considerable force and clarity of that ideology, so neither "feebleness" nor "obscurity" makes sense. "Bluntness" is therefore correct. Blank(iii)must then be a word whose lack characterizes bluntness. Since "subtlety" is the opposite of "bluntness," it is the correct answer.
Thus the correct answer is chief impetus(Choice B), bluntness(Choice D), and subtlety(Choice H).