Inuit print making is less (i)______ than carving in that it does not have subst

游客2024-01-10  10

问题 Inuit print making is less (i)______ than carving in that it does not have substantial historical precedents, although there are (ii)______ incised carvings on bone or antler, facial tattoo marks, or inlay skin work on clothing, mitts and footwear. Carving materials such as stone, bone, antler, wood, and ivory were (iii) ________, but paper and drawing tools were unknown until introduced by early explorers and missionaries.
Blank (i)                     Blank (ii)                   Blank (iii)
A. traditional              D. affinities with               G. available locally
B. prestigious              E. objections to                H. rarely used
C. anomalous              F. regulations about             I. virtually interchangeable


答案 A,D,G

解析 空格(i):
- 方程等号:in that=because因为,同义重复;less表示比较,反义重复;not,取反;两次取反后最终取同。
- 强词和对应:因纽特印刷比雕刻更加不空格(i),因为它没有大量历史先例,precedent做强词指向空格(i),由方程等号最终取同可知,空格(i)应填入表示“先例传统”的词。traditional传统的,prestigious有声望的,anomalous不正常的。答案选A。
- 方程等号:although尽管,反义重复。
- 强词和对应:题干中逗号前的3s版本是印刷与雕刻不同,依据although反义重复,空格(ii)应填入表示二者相同的词。affinity with相似,objection to反对,regulation about规定,答案选D。
- 方程等号:but但是,反义重复。
- 强词和对应:雕刻材料是空格(iii)的,但是纸张和绘画工具是不为人所知的。强词unknown指向空格(iii),依据but取反可知空格(iii)应填入表示“known”的词。available locally当地可得到的,rarely used几乎不使用的,virtually interchangeable几乎可以互换的,答案选G。