There are many insights in the essays collected in Observations on Modernity, bu

游客2024-01-10  24

问题 There are many insights in the essays collected in Observations on Modernity, but they are embedded in a dense English translation of a dense German original that may make many of them________ to most readers.
A. vapid
B. inaccessible
C. sagacious
D. banal
E. distressing
F. opaque


答案 B,F

解析 -方程等号:make使得,同义重复。
-强词和对应:收录在Observations on Modernity一书中的散文很有见解,但是它们被嵌入在一个难懂的德文原文的难懂的英文翻译中,这会使读者空格。dense难懂的是强词,指向空格,根据make同义重复,空格应填入一个表示“难懂的”含义的词。选项中有两组同义词,第一组是vapid与banal陈腐的,第二组是inaccessible与opaque难懂的。其余选项,sagacious睿智的,distressing不安的,答案选BF。