The author argued that the field of sociology has been overly (i)______, partly

游客2024-01-10  24

问题 The author argued that the field of sociology has been overly (i)______, partly because, for many scholars, the edges of the social universe are defined by national borders. In this era of increasing globalization, however, sociology is presented with a historically distinct opportunity to transcend its former (ii)______.
Blank (i)                    Blank (ii)
A. narrow in scope          D. utilitarianism
B. susceptible to fads         E. parochialism
C. averse to empiricism       F. historicism


答案 A,E

解析 空格(i):
- 方程等号:because因为,同义重复。
- 强词和对应:because后面说社会宇宙的边界被国家的边界所定义,这里的social universe对应前文的sociology,一个宇宙的边界被国家限制这种说法必然是狭隘的,空格(i)应填入一个表示“狭隘”的单词。narrow in scope范围狭窄,susceptible to flads受到时尚影响,averse to empiricism反对实证主义。只有A选项和狭隘有关,所以答案选A。
- 方程等号:however,句间关系取反;transcend超越,相当于more than,取反,两次取反后最终取同。
- 强词和对应:however前面一句说社会学的领域很狭隘,however句间关系取反,所以第二句应该说社会学不狭隘,但是因为transcend=more than/far beyond,再次取反,所以空格(ii)和空格(i)取同,应填入一个表示“狭隘”含义的单词。utilitarianism实用主义,parochialism狭隘,histonicism历史主义。答案选E。