Unlike most Jane Austen scholarship before 1980, much recent scholarship ana

游客2024-01-10  4

问题     Unlike most Jane Austen scholarship before 1980, much recent scholarship analyzes the novels of Austen, who lived from 1775 to 1817, in the context of Austen’s tumultuous times, which saw the French and American revolutions and the Napoleonic Wars. Yet Frantz notes another revolution, rarely mentioned in Austen scholarship: the Great Masculine Renunciation that altered conventions in men’s dress and behavior. During the later eighteenth century, wealthy gentlemen exchanged the velvets and satins long in fashion for somber woolen suits. Frantz contends that this change reflected deeper cultural changes. The value once placed on men’s expressiveness, reflected in Mackenzie’s novel The Man of Feeling (1771), gave way to a preference for emotional restraint. In Austen’s novels, the heroine often struggles to glimpse the true nature of hero beneath his reserved exterior. [br] The author of the passage mentions The Man of Feeling (1771) in order to

选项 A、contrast Mackenzie’s reasons for writing novels with those of Austen
B、introduce evidence regarding the influence of particular writers on Austen
C、corroborate a claim that a convention of masculine behavior changed during Austen’s lifetime
D、suggest that Austen’s novels were more reflective of their historical context than Mackenzie’s had been
E、challenge a particular misconception about the modes of behavior common among gentlemen in the later eighteenth century

答案 C

解析 本题属于功能题,正确答案是定位句3s版本。本题定位点是例子,其观点为:奥斯汀的小说反映了在这场革命中,男性变得在情感上更加克制,因此选项C正确。另外,从文章内容来讲,作者提及1771年这本书的目的就是为了衬托出之后在奥斯汀的年代,男性发生了变化。A项提到《性情中人》的目的与reason无关。B项文中看不出麦肯齐对奥斯汀产生了什么影响。D项这两部作品都能反映出历史背景。只是反映的背景不同罢了。E项定位句是例子,无法起到质疑的功能。