Received feminist wisdom has conceived of history as a male enclave devoid o
Received feminist wisdom has conceived of history as a male enclave devoid o
Received feminist wisdom has conceived of history as a male enclave devoid of woman subjects and practitioners, particularly before the twentieth century. As Ann For Freedom put it in 1972, from Herodout’s to Will Durant’s histories, the main characters, the main viewpoints and interests, have all been male. Feminist accounts of the 1970s and 1980s viewed historiography (the writing of history) as overwhelmingly his, coining the term herstory and presenting it as a compensatory feminist practice. Herstory designated women’s place at the center of an alternative narrative of past events. Rosalind Miles’s description restates the popular view: Women’s history by contrast has only just begun to invent itself. Males gained entry to the business of recording, defining and interpreting events in the third millennium B.C.; for women, this process did not even begin until the nineteenth century. The herstorical method provided a means for feminist historians to explore materials by and about women that had previously been neglected or ignored. Herstory promoted curricular transformation in schools and was used as a slogan on T-shirts, pencils, and buttons. Exposing historian’s tacit and intentional sexism, herstorians set out to correct the record — to show that women had held up half the historical sky.
Despite the great scholarly gains made behind the rallying cry, herstory’s popular myth– particularly about the lack of women who have recorded history–require revision. Herstory may accurately describe feminists efforts to construct female-centered accounts of the past, but the term inadvertently blinds us to women’s important contributions to historical discourse before the nineteenth century. Historiography has not been an entirely male preserve, though feminists are justified in faulting its long-standing masculine contours. In fact, criticism of historiography’s sexism is not of recent origin. Early eighteenth-century feminist Mary Astell protested that the Men being the Historians, they seldom condescend to record the great and good actions of Women. Astell, like those who echoed her sentiments two and a half centuries later, must be credited for admirable zeal in setting out to right scholarly wrongs, but her supposition that historians were only male is inaccurate. Her perception is especially strange because she herself wrote a historical work, An Impartial Enquiry into the Cause of Rebellion and Civil War (1704). Astell’s judgment is at the same time understandable, given that much historical writing by women of the late seventeenth century was not published until the nineteenth century. Despite their courage and their rightful anger, Astell and her descendants overlooked early modern woman writer’s contributions to historiography. [br] The author implies which of the following about Astell’s supposition?
A、It is likely to have arisen because of Astell’s unawareness of much of the historical work written by women.
B、It was one that Astell reconsidered after she wrote her own historical work.
C、It was one that was not shared by other feminist historians of Astell’s time.
D、It was one that inspired Astell to write her own historical work.
E、It directly contradicts one of the basic claims of herstory.
定位到第二段第八句given that much historical writing by women of the late seventeenth century was not published until the nineteenth century,由此可以推得,玛丽.阿斯泰尔之所以认为女性历史被忽视,是因为在当时她不知道有女性写了历史,因为女性历史当中有很多是19世纪才面世的。C项文中没有提及玛丽.阿斯泰尔的推断有没有被同时代其他历史学家所共享。没提及不代表没共享,所以不选。D项文中未提及。E项根据第二段第二句的but the term inadvertently blinds us to women’s important contributions to historical discourse before the nineteenth century可知,女性历史学的一个基本观点认为女性在早期历史研究中被忽视了,这与玛丽.阿斯泰尔的观点相一致。
A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分. B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充
短期是指工程档案保存()年以下。A.100 B.70 C.50 D.20
具有电泳和分子筛双重作用的电泳利用的支持介质是:()A.琼脂糖凝胶 B
自闭症:康复站A.拳击:训练场 B.肥胖:健身馆 C.病毒:防疫站 D.新
设计概算的内容不包括()。A.分部工程概算 B.单位工程概算 C.建
有成瘾性,无解痉作用的镇咳药是A.N-乙酰半胱氨酸 B.倍氯米松 C.喷托维