Octopuses show surprising cognitive abilities: solving mazes, learning cues,

游客2024-01-10  5

问题     Octopuses show surprising cognitive abilities: solving mazes, learning cues, and remembering solutions. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that octopuses may display the first “personalities” ever measured in an invertebrate: confronted with the same threats and food stimuli, individual octopuses react differently. Until recently, such traits were thought to be exclusive to higher vertebrates and to develop primarily among long-lived, social animals. Longevity, it was thought, justifies the biological “investment” in big, complex brains. Why would the short- lived, solitary octopus develop such traits? Mather postulates that animals that pursue varied food sources in changeable, perilous habitats must develop a wide range of hunting and defensive strategies. Variation in the temperament of individuals enhances survival in a volatile, competitive milieu by ensuring that different individuals respond differently to changing conditions so some will thrive. [br] Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

选项 A、It articulates a conjecture central to Mather’s theory.
B、It identifies a trait that is thought to be unique to social species.
C、It presents evidence that undermines a formerly widely held view.
D、It explains the logic underlying a view that has recently been challenged.
E、It points out a crucial distinction between cognitively complex species and other species.

答案 D

解析 指出群居动物的特征,这是第三句的功能,而定位句则是解释了第四句观点背后的原理,因此选项D正确。A、C、E项:本题属于功能题,定位句很明显是用于支持前一句的老观点的,因此可以排除选项A、C、E。