The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six

游客2024-01-09  25

问题 The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.


答案    The pie charts present information on industrial, agricultural and domestic water usage in six different parts of the world. As is seen from the given illustration, water consumption for agricultural purpose is dominant in Asian, African and South American region whereas water is mainly used for industrial purpose in North America and Europe.
   As the pie charts depict, more than 80% water is consumed for agriculture in African and Asian region. South American water consumption goes 71% for the same purpose. As those countries major percentages of water consumption are for agriculture, the percentages of water use in industries and houses are less than 20% in combination in Asian area, while South America uses 29% water for domestic and industrial purposes.
   On the other hand, larger portion of water is used for industries in North America and Europe which are 48% and 53% respectively. They both use less than 40% water for agriculture. Again the domestic water consumption is higher in America and Europe around 15% than that of Asian and African region.

解析 本题没有明确的时间变化,为静态图。图中包含六个饼状图,分别代表六个地区用水目的的比例。由图例可知,三个用水目的分别是Industrial use“工业用水”、Agricultural use“农业用水”和Domestic use“家庭用水”。
对比六个饼状图,从占比最大的数据着手分析,总体来说,除North America和Europe外,其余四个地区占比最大的都是Agricultural use,而这两个地区占比最大的是Industrial use。另一个明显特征是,第二排的三个地区比例分配较为相似,这三个可考虑并为一组同时描述。而North America和Europe的比例分配也较为类似,也可并为一组描述。
静态图的描述思路是按比例从大到小描述,如本题可先描述Agricultural use在四个占比地区的描述;然后接着描述这四个地区其他两种水用途,最后再说North America和Europe这两个地区的水资源用途的比例,这两个地区也按比例从高到低来描述。