Top tips on how to get further up the career ladderMoving jobs
Top tips on how to get further up the career ladderMoving jobs
Top tips on how to get further up the career ladder
Moving jobs is no longer quite as easy as it was just a couple of years ago, prompting many to look to develop their careers within existing companies until the recruitment outlook improves.
The following tips can help you take control of your career and make yourself more attractive to both your current and any future employer:
Keep up with industry developments
Ensuring you are up-to-date with the latest trends in your industry through attending conferences can make you an invaluable employee, and change the way managers see you, says John Grange, an adviser at free business advice and support service Business Link.
In recent years, online networking, using corporate sites such as LinkedIn, has also given employees the ability to liaise with people doing similar work. It’s a great way of keeping up-to-date with what people in similar jobs and industries are thinking about, and plenty of people are willing to help if you have a problem or want some advice.
But Leon Benjamin, author of the book Winning by Sharing, warns that the effectiveness of such sites in advancing your career varies considerably, depending on your industry sector ’For people who’re working in digital media it’s everything, but in the building trade it’s almost pointless because of its low level of take up,’ he says.
Request suitable training
Ensuring you have access to training to improve your skills is essential to progressing both your career and earning potential. By getting the right skills, individuals can sometimes get salary increases, as well as making themselves more likely to gain promotion.
Finding the right type of training, though, is vital. Apart from on-the-job training, there are self-help books that can be found in book shops or libraries, as well as formal courses. Individuals should decide what their genuine areas of weakness are, and then talk about them with their Staff Development coordinator to find out what kind of training might be best.
Broaden your experience
Experiencing other parts of the business through temporary roles or job-shadowing can give you a more rounded view of the organisation and ensure you won’t be pigeon-holed in one particular area.
Grange says, ’If you have an appreciation of what goes on within all departments you become much more valuable to the business, because you understand that if you take an action over here, there’s a knock-on effect over there.’
Work with your manager
One of the key skills is dealing with your boss, and part of that is knowing what your boss is being judged by. They all have targets, from the chief executive and other more senior managers, so look at ways in which you can help them to deliver those while still helping yourself.
Questions 22-27
Look at the top tips in the passage above.
Complete the notes below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Keep up with developments by:
going to conferences
【R22】______, using business websites(but not useful for employees in the 【R23】______)
Ask for training
could result in a salary increase
types of training—on-the-job, books or 【R24】______
identify weaknesses and discuss them with the person in charge of 【R25】______
Get more experience by:
doing temporary work in other departments
Work with the manager
find out what their 【R27】______are and help them succeed [br] 【R24】
formal courses
PARAGRAPH 7 ’Apart from on-the-job training, there are self-help books ...as well as formal courses.’
Whydidyouchoosethatcareer? Well,I’mgoodatEnglishandChinese,sooneo
Howcanthetypeofschoolyougotoaffectcareersuccess? There’retypesofs
【教学过程】 环节一:导入新课 教师通过引导学生回顾每周一的升旗仪式,提出问题:国旗和国徽是国家的象征,是我们民族凝聚力的载体,同学们知道我国的国旗和国徽是
变配电所由( )等装置构成。 A、变压器 B、继电保护装置 C、测量
下列属于时间价值基本参数的有()。A.现值 B.终值 C.时间 D.
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