Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS /OR A NUMBER from the

游客2024-01-08  9

问题 Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS /OR A NUMBER from the passage.
Write your answers in boxes 21-24 on your answer sheet. [br] In Kumanda’s school______are given to girls after the end of the school day.


答案 extra snacks

解析 因为全文讲述的基本上都是Kumanda在Msekeni学校的事情,所以“Kumanda”不可以作为细节词使用。按照顺序原则和“girls”,“after the end of the school day”定位于原文段落D最后一句话“Girls,who are more likely than boys to be kept out of school,are given extra snacks to take home”,所以正确答案为extra snacks。