Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage.Write

游客2024-01-08  10

问题 Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage.
Write your answers in boxes 7-9 on your answer sheet. [br] Sperm whales can’t digest the______of the squids.


答案 beaks

解析 利用细节信息“squid”定位于原文第五段第二、三句话“It’s commonly acceptedthat ambergris forms in the whale’s gut or intestines as the creature attempts to‘deal’withsquid beaks.Sperm whales are rather partial to squid,but seemingly struggle to digest thehard,sharp,parrot-like beaks”,这里原文明显提及乌贼的“beaks”硬且锋利,因而导致“sperm whales”无法消化,所以正确答案为beaks。