Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, belowWrite the correct lette

游客2024-01-08  9

问题 Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below
Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.
A cure for our wasteful habits
The writer believes that the recipe for reducing our impact on the environment is a simple one. He states that we should use less energy for things such as lighting or【A1】______, and buy【A2】______that will not need to be moved across long distances.
Some expensive items such as【A3】______could be shared, and others which may be less expensive but which are not needed often, such as【A4】______, could be rented instead of being purchased. He believes that manufacturers will need to design high-technology items such as【A5】______so that they can be recycled more easily.
A mobile phones B clothing C tools
D laundry E computers F food
G heating H cars I teddy bears [br] 【A1】


答案 D

解析 利用细节词“lighting”定位于原文第五段中间“It might be as simple as installingenergy—saving light bulbs,more efficient washing machines or choosing locally producedgroceries with less packaging”。题目中“less energy”对应原文“energy-saving”,“lighting”对应原文“light bulbs”,所以36题正确答案为D(laundry),对应原文“washing machines”,37题正确答案为F(food)对应原文“groceries”,且题目中“notneed to be moved across long distances”对应原文“locally produced”。