Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.Deep diving craftA di

游客2024-01-08  7

问题 Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.
Deep diving craft
A diving craft has to be【R37】______enough to cope with the enormous pressure of the abyss, which is capable of crushing almost anything. Unlike creatures that live there, which are not【R38】______because they contain compressed water, a submersible is filled with【R39】______
If it has a weak spot in its construction, there will be a【R40】______explosion of water into the craft.
A ocean      B air        C deep
D hollow     E sturdy     F atmosphere
G energetic  H violent    I heavy [br] 【R38】


答案 D

解析 [hollow = not solid] Distraction I: how ’heavy’ the creatures are is not relevant to their ability to withstand pressure; G/H: these aspects of the creatures are also not relevant and not mentioned.