Look at the following statements (Questions 37-40) and the list of researchers b

游客2024-01-08  12

问题 Look at the following statements (Questions 37-40) and the list of researchers below.
Match each statement with the correct researcher, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
List of Researchers
A Cameron Petrie
B Ravindanath Singh
C Yama Dixit
D David Hodell [br] Finding further information about changes to environmental conditions in the region is vital.

选项 A、 

答案 B

解析 题目:找到关于当地气候变化的进一步信息至关重要。文中提到鉴于哈拉帕文明区域广阔,气候多变,我们必须从摩享约达罗和哈拉帕这两大城市附近的地区以及印度旁遮普获得更多的气候数据;题干further information对应原文more climate data,vital对应原文essential。因此答案为B。