Look at the following opinions or deeds and the list of people below. Ma

游客2024-01-07  11

问题     Look at the following opinions or deeds and the list of people below.
    Match each opinion or deed with the correct person, A-G.
    Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes on your answer sheet.
                                                List of People
    A.Thomas Moore
    B.Frederick Tudor
    C.Carl Von Linde
    D.Nathaniel Wyeth
    E.J.B. Sutherland
    F.Fred Jones
    G.Parker Earle [br] created a new technique to liquefy the air


答案 C

解析 创造了一种使空气液化的新技术。关键词liquefy the air。Carl Von Linde出现于第5段后半部分。文中提到他设计了第一台实用的便携式带压缩机的冰箱,他后来利用一种新的方法(被称为“林德技术”)去液化空气。其中a new method对应本题题干关键词a new technique,liquefying large amounts of air对应liquefy the air。因此,本题的正确答案为C。