Look at the following statements and the list of Olympic torches below.

游客2024-01-07  12

问题     Look at the following statements and the list of Olympic torches below.
    Match each statement with the correct Olympic torch, A-H.
    Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes on your answer sheet.
                                                List of Olympic Torches
    A. ancient Greek Olympic flames
    B. Berlin Games torch (1936)
    C.1952 Winter Games flame
    D.1956 Games torch
    E. Munich Games torch (1972)
    F.1996 torch (Atlanta)
    G. 2000 torch (Sydney)
    H. 2002 torch (Salt Lake City) [br] beginning to record the runners’ name


答案 B

解析 开始记录火炬手名字的火炬。关键词record the name。1936柏林奥运火炬:通过时间1936回原文寻找,这个时间出现在了第2段第2句和第5段开头。其中第2段是说这届奥运会第一次举办了火炬接力,第5段前两句主要介绍了它的设计,关于设计文中提到“The name of the runner was also inscribed on the platform as a token of thanks.”其中the name…were also inscribed替换32题关键词record the name,因此,本题的正确答案为B。