Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for

游客2024-01-07  3

问题 Complete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet. [br] In Clarence Saunders’ shopping design, much work was done by________.


答案 customers

解析 Clarence Saunders的购物设计中,很多工作都是由谁完成的。空白处需要填写一种人物身份。题干关键词为shopping design,出现于c段的最后,但并未找到相应的答案,依据顺序接着往下读,在D段第2句提到,Clarence Saunders商店区别于其他商店最大的特色在于…customers in Piggly Wiggly chose the goods on the shelves and paid the items all by themselves.也就是说顾客在这里需要自助选择商品以及付款。因此,本题的答案为customers。