【1】 [br] 【7】 [originaltext]Woman: Hello. I’d like to become a member of the gym.
【1】 [br] 【7】 [originaltext]Woman: Hello. I’d like to become a member of the gym.
【1】 [br] 【7】
Woman: Hello. I’d like to become a member of the gym.
Man: Certainly. Have you filled out an application form?
Woman: Not yet. Do you have one?
Man: Yes. I’ve got one right here. Or I could just enter your details directly into the computer. It would be quicker.
Woman: OK. Go ahead.
Man: Could you tell me your name, please?
Woman: My surname is Pierce--P I E R C E--and my given name is Sharon--S H A R O N.
Man: Thank you. And your address?
Woman: 70 Welcome Lane, Tipton, TP3 4MB.
Man: Could I just note your date of birth?
Woman: 13th July 1980.
Man: Are you just applying for membership of the gym or would you like to join the health spa as well? There’s a special price of £50 a month or £130 for three months.
Woman: I’d just like to join the gym, thanks.
Man: OK. That’s £20 a month, £50 every three months or £180 a year.
Woman: I’ll pay for the year.
Man: Will you be paying by credit card?
Woman: Yes. Here you are.
Man: Thank you. Card number ... 4673 9702 0361 ... expiry date ... September 2009. OK. I’ll just print out a form for you to sign and you’re a member. ... There you are. Sign here, please.
Woman: Great. Thank you. Could you just show me around very quickly?
Man: Certainly. Mike? Could you take over here for a few minutes? ... Come this way. Right by reception, we have a refreshment area, serving healthy food and drinks--no coffee or chocolate!
Woman: What a good idea!
Man: Beyond that, as you can see, there’s the main gym area. The treadmills are by the window, so you get a great view across the river. Opposite them are various machines and at the far end you can see the free weights area. If you look at the far end, you’ll see two doors. The one on the left is the ladies’ changing area and the one on the right is the men’s.
Woman: And the swimming pool?
Man: There’s a door in each changing area that leads to the swimming pool.
Woman: The health spa is upstairs isn’t it?
Man: Yes, there’s a flight of stairs leading from each changing room to the spa area. Oh, I forgot to mention that there’s a sauna beside each changing area. Our members love using those after a workout.
Woman: How many members are there?
Man: About 300 people, of which 200 are members of both the gym and health spa. Only about half of those people come regularly.
Woman: Does it ever get crowded?
Man: It can get a little cramped at the weekends and occasionally in the evenings during the week. A lot of people like to use the treadmills. There are no rules about how long you can use a particular machine, but we ask people to be considerate. The swimming pool rarely gets crowded.
Woman: Are most of the members men or women?
Man: I’d say that there are a few more women than men. Ladies are more likely to join the gym and spa, whilst men usually just join the gym.
Woman: Well, thank you very much. I’ll be along tomorrow for my first workout. You open at 7, right?
Man: Yes, we’re open from 7 in the morning to 10 in the evening. See you tomorrow!
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上海历史上还曾经存在过许多其他宗教,例如()。A.犹太教 B.东正教 C.
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