SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5Complete the table below.Write NO MORE

游客2024-01-07  10

问题 SECTION 1  Questions 1-10
Questions 1-5
Complete the table below.

RECEPTIONIST; Sorry to keep you waiting. Well, firstly, let me give you this booklet.
                 It tells you a bit more about the school, the courses and the social
                 activities we offer. Now, on the first page, there’s an outline of this
                 morning’s activities. There, you see? The programme starts at 10 o’clock.  【Example】
                 Try not to be late as it’s a very full day.
                 At 10 o’clock, all the new students will gather in the Main Hall to      【Q1】
                 meet the Principal and the rest of the staff. In fact, you spend most of
                 the morning in the Main Hall.
STUDENT:        Where’s that?
RECEPTIONIST: I’ll show you in a minute. Just let me quickly run through this
                 morning’s events first and then I’ll explain how to get there.
STUDENT:        Yes, OK.
RECEPTIONIST: Right. Where were we? Yes, so, the Principal’s talk will last about fifteen
                 minutes and then the Director of Studies will talk to you for half an        【Q2】
                 hour about the courses and the different requirements for each. After     【Q3】
                 that, the Student Adviser will tell you about the various services and
                 activities we offer to students. Any questions?
STUDENT:        So, all of this is in the Main Hall?
RECEPTIONIST; That’s right. And then you’ll go next door to Classroom 5 at 11 o’clock.  【Q4】
STUDENT;        What happens there?
RECEPTIONIST: You’ll have a test.
STUDENT:        Test? I don’t like the sound of that. What sort of test?
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a placement test to help us find    【Q5】
                 your level of English so that we can put you in the right class. It won’t
                 last long.
STUDENT:        But how do I find the Main Hall?
RECEPTIONIST: Right; if you look on the back of the booklet I gave you, you’ll see a
                 map of the school. Let me show you. Look; you came in through the
                 Main Entrance, here, and now we’re here at Reception. Now, to get to
                 the Main Hall, you walk on to the end of this corridor in front of you
                 and then you turn left. Walk along past the Language Laboratory and
                 then past the Library, which is next to the Language Lab. on the same
                 side, and facing you is the Main Hall, at the end of the corridor. You      【Q6】
                 can’t miss it.
STUDENT:        So it’s next to the Library, in fact.                                             【Q7】
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that’s right.
STUDENT:        I should be able to find that. And do you have a Computer Laboratory?
STUDENT:        Could you tell me where that is?
RECEPTIONIST: Certainly, yes. You go down to the end of this corridor again but, this     【Q8】
                 time, don’t turn left; turn right, away from the Main Hall. The
                 Computer Lab. is immediately on your right. OK?
STUDENT:        And where’s the staff room, in case I need to find a teacher at some
RECEPTIONIST: The staff room is near the main entrance, on the left over there, just        【Q9】
                 opposite the Reception desk. In a day or two, I’m sure you’ll find your
                 way around very easily.
STUDENT:        Oh, one last thing. Is there a student common room?
RECEPTIONIST: Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. It’s this area here, very close to where     【Q10】
                 we are now, to the right of the Reception desk as you come in the main
                 entrance.There’s tea and coffee facilities there.
STUDENT:        Great. Thank you very much.
RECEPTIONIST: You’re welcome.


答案 (the) Main Hall 【NOT Hall】
