In which section should the students write their UK address? [br] Which is the
In which section should the students write their UK address? [br] Which is the
In which section should the students write their UK address? [br] Which is the section for exams that applicants haven’t taken yet?
Jeff (male): Hi Aref! Hi Marta!
Matra (female): Hi Jeff2.
Aref (male): Hi Jeff! Thanks for agreeing to help us with this university application form.
Jeff: No problem. It’s the UCAS form, is it? Well, I brought mine along as well as an example. Let’s have a look at the first page. ... Ah, here, you need to write in your addresses in your home countries.
Marta: Here? Where it says "home address"?
Jeff: That’s right.
Marta: But we don’t want them to send things to that address.
Jeff: They won’t. See. It says they will send things to your
residential Q21
address, which is in the UK.
Marta: Oh, I see!
Aref: And here we need to write the name of our school, don’t we?
Jeff: Yes, and any other secondary schools you’ve attended. Don’t forget to write "FT" in the box there on the right.
"FT" means "full-time", I suppose?
Yes, it does.
Put the most recent school you’ve attended at the top.
Malta: Here it says we should enter our ethnic origin, but only if we are UK applicants.
Jeff: Well, you are living in the UK. Put it in anyway. It won’t matter.
They only use it
for statistical purposes
. Q23
Aref: Should we put the subjects we’ve taken for A-level in this area—7A?
Jeff: No. That’s for exams you’ve already taken and got the results
for. Here, underneath,
in part 7B, you can see the space for Q24
exams that you’ve taken but don’t have the results for, or are
going to take.
Malta: And do we need to write the name of our school there too?
That’s where we will take the exams.
Jeff: That’s right. Don’t forget to put the address too.
Aref: Do you know the postcode for our school, Jeff?.
Jeff: Yes, it’s
. Now, how about page 3? Q25
Marta: I did some part-time work. Should I put that in the employment section?
Jeff: Yes. I did some part-time work too. Write "PT" in the final box—for "part-time".
Marta: OK. And for "nature of work" I’ll put
"shop assistant"
. Q26
Jeff: OK. Now we’ve come to part 10—Personal Statement. Did
you write out a
rough draft
for me to look at, as I suggested? Q27
Marta: Yes, here’s mine.
Aref: And here’s mine.
Jeff: OK. Let me just have a quick look .... I’ll just correct the
grammatical mistakes. There aren’t many .... Be careful with
your spelling, Marta .... Aref, I wouldn’t include this sentence
about wanting your parents to be proud of you. A personal
statement should be
more practical
, rather than an emotional Q28
Aref: I see. It’s a bit different in my culture. OK, I’ll take your advice.
Jeff: I think that you both need to say why you’re interested in those particular courses at those particular universities.
Marta: Well, I like some of the
elective courses
on offer in years two Q29
and three. That’s how I chose those particular universities.
How about you, Aref?
Aref: Well, I considered that, but many of the law courses at university are very similar, so I also considered the geographical location of the universities.
Jeff: OK. Add those reasons. Have you both signed at the bottom of page 3? ... Yes, oh, Marta, you forgot to add the date. Now, on page four, you need to have a teacher write a reference for you.
Aref: I’m going to ask Mr Martin, since he’s my form teacher.
Marta: I’m going to ask Mrs Robinson, because she’s my art teacher.
Jeff: Good. It’s best to have your form teacher to do it or ask the
teacher who teaches the subject you want to study. They are
most likely to have an idea of your
. Q30
Aref: Should I leave it to the teacher to fill in the details about the school at the top of the reference page?
Jeff: Yes. Some of that information isn’t known to us students anyway.
Marta: Well, thanks for your help, Jeff. Are you going to ...
(part/section) 7B
目前电站设计中,凝汽器进口处循环水设计温度取()℃。A.18 B.20
现阶段,我国在地籍测量中主要采用( )土地分类系统。A.一种 B.二种 C
商品房的预售,需要达到的条件有( )。A.已交付大部分土地使用权出让金 B
在工程量清单计价中,措施项目中的夜间施工费适合采用()计价。A.综合单价法 B