The ______ is in room A16 [br] [originaltext]Xavier: Hi Olga. Did you find that

游客2024-01-07  8

问题 The ______ is in room A16 [br]  
Xavier: Hi Olga. Did you find that information about grade appeals? I found the information about student records.
Olga: Hi Xavier. Yes, I got it. Let’s have a look through together and see what we can find. You start.
Xavier: OK. Educational records, including all student records, are
      maintained by the Office of Records in room A167. Student                  Q21
      records are maintained in a manner that protects the privacy of
      students and provides eligible people access to the information
Olga: I heard something about public information. This can be given
    to certain people at the university without a student’s permission.
Xavier: Ah, yes. That must be public directory information. The university              Q22
      defines public directory information as: name; addresses;
      university e-mail address; photo ID pictures; telephone
      numbers; major field of study; dates of attendance; enrolment
      status ...
Olga: What? Like whether they are full-or part-time?
Xavier: Yes. Also, students’ hours enrolled in or completed; degrees,
     honours, certificates received or anticipated; weight and height                Q23
     if they are an athletic team member
; participation in officially
     recognised activities and sports; and institutions previously attended.
Olga: That’s a lot of information!
Xavier: Well, a person who wants it must have a good reason for obtaining
      it, so essentially only faculty staff can get it. They have                    Q24
      to fill out a request form whenever they want this information.

      Of course, they can approach the student directly and get it
      from them ...
Olga: Can a student stop people accessing their information?                  Q25
Xavier: Let me see  ....  Yes  ....  It says that a student may suppress the above public information items by completing and submitting a public directory information form. Forms may be obtained from the office.
Olga: OK.
Xavier: So, what did you find out about appealing against a grade?
Olga: Well, students have a right to a grade review to correct a grade and to a grade appeal as a remedy for an unfair grade in a course.
Xavier: Does that mean there must be a grade review before a grade appeal?
Olga: Yes, but I’ll get to that in a minute. A grade appeal refers to
    any of the following: the assignment of a grade to a particular
    student on some basis other than academic or behavioural               Q26
    performance in the course
; 6 the assignment of a grade to
    a particular student by using more exacting or demanding
    standards than were applied to other students in that course;
    the assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the
    instructor’s previously announced or written standards.
Xavier: That seems reasonable.
Olga: Students have a right to a grade review to correct an erroneous
    grade and to a grade appeal as a remedy for an unfair
    grade in a course. Even before the review, the student must
    contact the instructor by midterm of the following term and              Q27
    request a review and an accounting of how the grade was
    determined. If the student is satisfied with the response, the
    procedure ends.
Xavier: So, there’s no way to review or appeal a grade before contacting the instructor?
Olga: Only if the instructor has left the university. Anyway, if the               Q28
    student is not satisfied with the instructor’s response, he or she
    then contacts the department head. The department head will                    Q29
    proceed to review the grade
by gathering all relevant information
    from the student and the instructor. If the department head
    determines that an error has occurred, and the instructor is in
    agreement, the student’s grade will be changed accordingly. If
    the review does not result in a grade change, and if the student
    accepts the grade, no change is made. If the review does not
    result in a grade change, and the student still wishes to appeal
    the grade, the department head will arrange for a grade appeal.
Xavier: A grade appeal involves three faculty members, right?
Olga: Yes. They are selected by the department head, from the discipline
    or a closely related discipline. They must know about the
    requirements of the course and the criteria for evaluating student
    performance. One student selected by the student union                        Q30
    who has earned good grades also serves on the committee as
    a voting member. The appeal faculty and student government
    representative will consider all relevant information from the
    student and the instructor, the student work in the course, and
    all the other performance requirements ...
Xavier: Such as attendance.
Olga: Right  ....  in determining whether the student’s grade is in line with normal course, discipline, departmental, college, and professional guidelines and standards.
Xavier: OK, so what do you ...


答案 weight and height
