Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.[img]20
Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.[img]20
Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
JANE Hi Tim!(Tim: Jane.)How are you?(Tim : Fine.)I’d been wondering when I’d run into you. Have you been here long?
TIM I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. How about you?
JANE I got here a few days ago, on Saturday. No—wait a minute, what’s today?—Sorry Friday, not Saturday.
TIM But we didn’t have to be here till today.
JANE Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved into my room, and just take a look around. So, did you decide to do English in the end?
TIM No, I changed my mind and opted for history instead. And you’re doing biology, if I remember correctly.
JANE Yes, although to start with I couldn’t decide between that and geography.
TIM How much reading have you got? I was given an amazingly long list of books to read. See!
JANE Wow, it does look pretty long.
TIM Well, I counted 57. I could hardly believe it! What’s your list like?
JANE Well, it’s not as long as yours, but it’s still pretty big. There are 43. I don’t know how I’m going to get through them all.
TIM Well you don’t have to read them all this week! You just have to stay ahead of the lectures and seminars. Have you got your class schedule yet?
JANE Yep. It came with the reading list. When’s your first lecture?
TIM Tuesday. How about you?
JANE The day after. It’s my busiest day; I’ve got two lectures in the morning and one in the afternoon.
JANE It’s going to be different from school, isn’t it!
TIM Yeah, particularly the lectures. Have you got any special strategy for listening to lectures?
JANE Well I’m going to use a cassette recorder and record them all.
TIM What! Are you allowed to?
JANE Sure. Lots of people do it nowadays. It means you can listen to the lectures all over again later, and make really good notes.
TIM I couldn’t do that. I like to take notes as I’m listening. I usually find I get all the important points. Reading is different of course. My approach is to skim the book first to see what’s important and what isn’t. It saves hours of time.
JANE But what if you miss something?
TIM You don’t mean you’re going to read every word, do you?
JANE Well, that’s what I usually do.
TIM Well, that’s up to you, but I think you’re crazy!
JANE What’s your first lecture on, anyway?
TIM Oh, it’s a lecture on the French Revolution.
JANE The French Revolution! How boring!
TIM It’s not boring at all! It was an amazing period of history. It changed everything in Europe. So what’s your first lecture about?
JANE It’s about animal behaviour. It sounds really interesting.
TIM Look, I was on my way to the library. I’m going to get some of these books out and start reading for the first essay I’ve got to write.
JANE And what have you got to write about?
TIM Well, you’ll never believe it, I think our professor must have a sense of humour. He’s given us the title "Why study history?"
JANE That’s a good one. When you find the answer, let me know!
JIM I’m going to enjoy writing it. Have you been given any writing assignments yet?
JANE Yes, I’ve got to write about animal language.
TIM Hmm! That sounds a challenge. I suppose you’ll be off to the zoo to do field research...
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