Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] How will the instructions be presented
Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] How will the instructions be presented
Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] How will the instructions be presented?
DANI: So tell me about your research project, John.
JOHN: I created a questionnaire for the study to determine people’s opinions of the relative feasibility of earning a living in Brisbane.
DANI: Oh, cool. How is it scored? Are they all multiple choice questions?
JOHN: Well, the questions consist primarily of yes/no responses. There are two free response questions at the end. Participants will use a computer to fill in their answers; that way it is really easy to analyse the data afterward.
DANI: Great! It sounds like you have a pretty solid idea of what you should do. Just don’t forget to submit a copy of your plans to Professor Curran by the 15th.
JOHN: Oh, I almost forgot!
DANI: Hm, you don’t do it for high grade or appraise, but he can review and give you feedback.
JOHN: Right, that will be helpful - he has been conducting studies like this for 30 years now.
DANI: Yep, oh and I’m curious - are you going to be in the room giving subjects directions for the questionnaire?
JOHN: Well, I think the instructions will be provided by another representative who will not be analysing the data. I want them to feel they can answer and be completely anonymous, so I will not be in the room. Anonymity is really important for this study.
DANI: I agree. Good idea. You should tell the representative to remind subjects to fully consider both sides of each issue. Sometimes it’s really easy to immediately check "yes" or "no" without stopping to think about it completely.
JOHN: That’s so true! It’s like a race to finish the questionnaire first or something. I’ll make sure to include that in the instructions. This report has to be perfect!
DANI: Wow, what’s the big deal? I know it’s part of your grade and all...
JOHN: Well it’s that, but also a well-executed study could grab the attention of faculty in the department, which would be a huge deal.
DANI: So...for attention?
JOHN: No silly! I mean I could really gain the respect of professors who may later take me on as a graduate student in their labs.
DANI: Oh, I see.
DANI: Let me take a look at the survey. Wow, this looks great! The map of the median income by region is a great tool - where did you find it?
JOHN: Well thanks! I read a lot of sources and just noticed this one in a small psychology journal called Modern Psychology. It’s more helpful than the photo I added, but I think the photo is just so interesting. It was in the newspaper last year during that huge wage strike.
DANI: It’s great. Probably not necessary, but it looks great. I don’t understand - what is WKRX’s involvement here?
JOHN: Oh - the radio station agreed to sponsor the study if I play their station in the room.
DANI: Wow, interesting. So you don’t have to pay for any of this?
JOHN: Exactly.
DANI: Nice! Where did you get that idea?
JOHN: Last month at the Psychology Club Council meeting someone talked about how easy it is to get sponsorship from local businesses, so I listened to their advice and called around!
DANI: I’ll have to remember that. Well, this all looks great. Good luck!
A、given by a group representative
B、given by all members of the group
C、given by the professor
A本题比较直观,答案集中在John的回答里,明确为“another representative”,即另一位不参与数据分析的代表会来做这件事。
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