Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. [br] They want to do this project because
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. [br] They want to do this project because
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. [br] They want to do this project because
TUTOR: Hi, Mark. Hi, Gina. What can I help you with?
MARK: So we were hoping you could help us with this extracurricular project.
TUTOR: Sure - what is the topic?
GINA: Attending business school.
TUTOR: This sounds like a great idea. So you’re going to explain the requirements for getting into business school?
MARK: Not exactly. It will be more broadly about the experience - the academics, accommodation, and social experience that comes with being a part of the business school.
TUTOR: I see. So would your audience be the general public?
GINA: Well, we would probably want more to focus on members of the institution - we would especially like to reach individual applicants to the business school.
TUTOR: I see. Now what form will this information be? You could give a talk to all the summer courses - all you would need is permission from the course director. Or you could pass out information outside the student union.
MARK: Those are both good ideas. What about sending out pamphlets in the mail?
TUTOR: Most college students never check their mail. Maybe you could make a video and show it on campus?
GINA: That’s a great idea. We’ll do the video.
TUTOR: Great. And as members of the business school, do you have an incentive to attract new students? If so, this idea is a great way to do that.
MARK: No, the idea actually came about because of how much students like us worry about their studies.
GINA: Yeah - when I got into business school, there were a lot of things I had not prepared for, so the video would cover a lot of things Mark and I wish we had known upon entering business school.
TUTOR: Right.
TUTOR: What would you talk about first?
MARK: The first and probably most important section would be academics.
TUTOR: Good idea. So would you provide guidance on what courses to take?
GINA: We want to focus especially on the approaches professors take -their teaching methods. It is far different than what students are used to in high school, and even in liberal arts college.
TUTOR: Good idea. And how long do you think you would spend explaining academics?
MARK: We’ll probably spend 7 minutes on it.
GINA: We also have some ideas for talking about housing, food options, and stuff like that. We’re not really sure how to tie it all together though.
TUTOR: I think it would be suitable to title that section accommodation - what do you think?
MARK: That could work. We’ll definitely describe the different dining options at the cafeteria, and then walk students through flats and the grueling process of finding one near the business school campus.
GINA: Okay - so we would cover specifics on the cafeteria, as well as flats?
MARK: I think those are both helpful. We could spend about 6 minutes on accommodation, and be sure to touch on those specifically.
TUTOR: Great. Is there anything else you would talk about?
GINA: We definitely want to go over the social aspect of attending school here.
TUTOR: Of course. I think it’s good to have a little fun once in a while when you’re working so hard in school.
MARK: I think we are going to introduce new students to the disco that so many upperclassmen know and love. Maybe we’ll include a few other places too, but that’s the main one.
GINA: We’re also going to invite students to the international evening taking place in the first week of school as a great chance for our large international student population to meet a lot of other new students.
TUTOR: It can definitely be hard to meet people as an international student. I think that is a great idea. You may want to spend slightly longer on this section than the other two.
MARK: Hm.. .how about 8 minutes?
GINA: That sounds reasonable. So overall, the introduction should take 3 minutes, and then the conclusion should take 4, giving us a total of 28 minutes.
TUTOR: I wouldn’t rush your introduction. Maybe give it between 4 and 6 minutes. The conclusion, though, can be shorter since it’s just a quick refresher of each of the topics. Give that not more than 2 minutes.
MARK: Okay. So in total the video should take about the same time, just more intro and less conclusion?
TUTOR: Precisely.
GINA: Alright - we are going to get to work on our video. Thanks for your help!
A、students worry about their studies.
B、they want to obtain a good grade.
C、they want to attract future business school applicants.
Whyaresomepeopleusedtobeinglate? Peopleareusedtobeinglatebecauseo
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(2015年5月)“如果你的同事当面批评你,你怎么办”属于( )提问技巧。A.
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