[img]2022m3x/ct_ve01202001m_eillist_0386_220329[/img] [br] [originaltext]T: Now

游客2024-01-05  16

问题 [br]  
T: Now, as I mentioned yesterday, there are three families and the job description is much the same for all of them, as I explained. There are a few other things you need to know. Anyway, the first family’s here in London.
J: Yes, I did make a few notes. London, er, that’s the Bentons? With two children?
T: Yes. That’s right, a girl of three and her brother who’s eight. The little boy has a quite serious food allergy. Did you learn about things like that on your course?
J: Oh, well, I know what to do if someone has an allergic reaction.
T: Good, but what they mainly want is someone with an interest in a sport, as that’s the kind of family they are.
J: Oh, that’s OK. I’ll enjoy that.
T: Good. Now the next people are in the country, near Oxford.
J: Oh yeah, the Grangers?
T: So, they have twin boys of five, who are a bit of a handful, I suspect, but it’s a lovely place, quite a grand house, and the family is extremely welcoming. They keep horses. Do you ride?
J: I did when I was younger. I like animals generally.
T: Well, ’animal lover’ was their special request, so you’d be fine there. The last family...
J: Yes?
T: I don’t think I told you they live in Scotland.
J: Really? What’s their name?
T: Campbell.
J: Oh, yes. And they have four girls under ten?
T: That’s it. They have a lovely city flat, and they own a small island.
J: Wow!
T: Actually, you might get on with them very well.They particularly wanted someone who would be prepared to cook when they go camping on the island.


答案 sport

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