Choose THREE letters, A-G.What THREE things do Paul and Jenny have to do now fo

游客2024-01-05  18

问题 Choose THREE letters, A-G.
What THREE things do Paul and Jenny have to do now for the project?
A  interview some people
B  hand out questionnaires
C  choose their subjects
D  take photographs
E  use statistical software
F  do some work in the library
G  contact some local companies [br]  
J: OK — what do we have to do now for the project? What’s the best way to go about it?
P: Urn... Well, Professor Carter suggested we set up a focus group to get some in-depth interviews but I think that’ll take a lot of time.
J: Yeah.  I agree. If we did a focus group, we’d have to spend time deciding who to include in it and it’s not necessary to do one anyway.
P: Oh, fine.
J:  If you agree, I think we should get in touch with the businesses on the list and ask them if they’re prepared to participate.
P: Sounds good, then we can go there, giye them some questionnaires and collect them later.
J: Exactly.
P:  OK.  Then do we need to book one of those study rooms in the library so we can work together to input the data?
J: Perhaps not, as I guess just one of us could just sort it out, actually.
P: Yes, that would be easier. A lot of what we’re doing is qualitative and, so it’ll be write-up rather than statistics. No software for that I’m afraid!
J: And I think it would look better if we had actual shots of some of the staff because we’re citing appearance as a factor in employability, aren’t we?
P: Yeah. OK. I’ll factor that all in when I sort everything out tonight.
P: I’m glad we decided to work together. I think it’s going to work out well.
J: Yes, well, given that we had to work in pairs on this project, I think we were right to choose each other. We complement each other academically as we’re each good at what the other isn’t! In fact, we should have tried working together before!
P: Yes! Now, how shall we split the work? I’ll do the analysis, shall I?
J: Oh, OK.
P: I think it might be faster if I do it because I’m used to doing it — although your English is better than mine. I need more practice at reading, really.
J: OK. I’ll do the presentation then. Is that OK with you?
P: Yeah, sure. I don’t mind speaking in public but I hate preparing all the notes for them.
J: Thing is, the tutor said one person should do the whole presentation and he’s said he expects me to do it because I haven’t done one yet.
P: No, that’s time. Now...


答案 B

解析 题目问Paul和Jenny认为当前应该为此项目做的三项准备工作。录音中的give them questionnaires对应B项的动词短语hand out questionnaires“派发调查问卷”:录音中的shots“镜头,拍摄”和D项take photographs“拍照”为同义替换:录音中的get in touch with和G项的动词contact“联系”为同义替换。要注意排除A项interview some people“采访某些人”,录音提到这会花大量时间(take a lot of time)和这样做是不必要的(not necessary),故可排除:E项use statistical software“使用统计软件”是利用录音原词software作干扰,录音提到的是恐怕没有合适的软件(No software),故E项也可排除。