[originaltext]M: Do you want to the movies with on Saturday? W: Thanks, but I

游客2024-01-05  3

M: Do you want to the movies with on Saturday?
W: Thanks, but I have to study my research project. I’m taking that same anthropology course you took with Prof. Grady.
M: The one on ethnographic interviewing? Oh, good! I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of it.
W: I have to admit the word ’ethnography’(人种学) scared me a little at first. It seems so technical. But then when she explained that it’s what anthropologists do, you know, how they investigate and record aspects of a culture, I didn’t seem so intimidating!
M: Yeah, it’s all part of the fields work anthropologists conduct and it’s good to start doing that now before you become a graduate student and have to conduct large projects yourself. Who are you going to interview?
W: You know the publishing office where I used to work? Vivian, the woman I worked for, she’s been a manager there for over 30 years and had seen a lot of changes in the industry. I thought I’d start out by interviewing her about how the people in the office interact with each other and with outside clients.
M: Isn’t it funny how we use the thing that anthropologists study to foreign cultures and had the travel halfway across the world to do it? The best part of that course is that it shows you that ethnographic research can also be done on a familiar ground.
W: Yeah. I got the idea from my project from reading Robert Marshal’s study of office life and I realized I already had some background in that. So far, I’m really enjoying this course.

选项 A、It is not as difficult as she had thought it would be.
B、She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.
C、She took a class on it last semester.
D、Her professor will write a book on it soon.

答案 A

解析 What does the woman say about the subject of ethnography?