[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0931_20121[/img] [br] Why does the man say this
[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0931_20121[/img] [br] Why does the man say this
[br] Why does the man say this:
[Librarian (mate)] Hello. Can I help you find something?
[Student (female)] Um...I guess so. The problem is, I just transferred here from another school,
and I’m really unfamiliar with this library. I just don’t know where anything is.
[Librarian] Oh, well I can certainly help you out with that. Are you looking for something
specific? Or would you just like a general overview of the organization of our
[Student] Q1 Yeah...I’m actually looking for something specific I guess. I’m writing a
research paper for my Latin American history class. So, um, I need to find some
sources that’re related to, uh, the history of Latin America.
[Librarian] Have you worked out what you want to do for your paper...what specific topic
you want to focus on?
[Student] Q4 Uh...no. I thought I’d come to the library and just browse the
Latin American history section. I just, um--when I got here, I realized ! don’t
know where that is. I don’t even know what floor to go to.
[Librarian] Well, let me tell you a little bit about how the library’s set up. Then I’ll
show you where you can go to browse the Latin American history section.
[Student] OK, that’d be really helpful. Thanks.
[Librarian] Our university library uses the Library of Congress Classification...I don’t know
if you’re familiar with it--maybe you’ve used the Dewey Decimal Classification
at your local public library...or maybe you’re familiar with the Library of
Congress Classification from your old university.
[Student] Uh, I’m not really sure. They both sound somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t tell
you which one I used last.
[Librarian] Well, the Library of Congress Classification is organized by subject, so you
shouldn’t have any trouble browsing the Latin American history section. All the
information related to that will be right there in the same place.
[Student] OK, great.
[Librarian] Q2 Letters of the alphabet are used to designate the most general
categories--which are called classes. So the call numbers on our books begin
with a letter of the alphabet. For example, the letter A is used for general
works, the letter H means social sciences, the letter K means law, and so on.
Q5 You’ll be looking for the letter F--that’s the class that contains
subject matter related to the history of the Americas.
[Student] OK. So I’m looking for books with call numbers that begin with F.
[Librarian] Right. But the history of the Americas is a pretty huge subject. You’ll
want to look for books in the subclass of Latin America, which is designated
by [checking something]. let’s see...yeah. It’s F1201 through F3799.
[Student] And all those books are pretty much in the same area, right?
[Librarian] Right. As you’re browsing through the subclass, you’ll see that our holdings
are further organized by region. Um, Colombia, for example, is between
F2251-2299. Argentina is F2801-3021.
[Student] All right. I feel a little bit more confident about navigating my way through the
library now.
[Librarian] Good. Um, the more you use the library, the more comfortable you’ll feel
browsing around.
[Student] Q3 Well, I have a pretty busy schedule this semester, so I’m sure you’ll see
me back here quite often,
[Librarian] Are you a history major?
[Student] Yeah, that’s right.
[Librarian] Well, you’ll probably figure out pretty quick that the classes C, D, E, and F
contain books about history...and after a while you’ll probably just automatically
go over to that section when you’re looking for sources for a history paper.
[Student] OK. And where are those classes located? I mean, which floor are they on?
[Librarian] Actually, they’re on this floor. Just head down that row, all the way to the back
wall...then take a left.
[Student] Thanks so much for your help!
[Librarian] It’s no problem. Let me know if you have any more questions.
A、To suggest a course of action for solving the woman’s problem.
B、To express frustration that the woman is unfamiliar with the library.
C、To let the woman know who will be available to help her in the library.
D、To indicate that he does not have time to assist the woman now.
以下哪项不是囊性水瘤的临床表现()A.体位试验阳性 B.多位于颈部
A.血虚动风 B.热极生风 C.阴虚动风 D.疫毒攻心 E.肝阳化风舌红
小儿鹅口疮口腔局部的临床特征是A、口腔黏膜出现单个或成簇的小疱疹 B、口腔黏膜
关于浸出药剂叙述错误的是A.服用量较少,使用方便 B.有一些浸出药剂,常作
椎动脉型颈椎病最主要的临床表现为 A.眩晕B.闪电样锐痛C.猝倒D.持物
作为人的身心发展的生理前提,为人的身心发展提供了可能性的因素是()。 A.遗传