"Insects" Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on th
"Insects" Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on th
Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on the same topic.
Reading Time:45 seconds
An insect belongs to the class of invertebrates called arthropods. Regardless of size, all adult insects have a similar body structure, which includes a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. The head contains not only the brain and mouth but also the sensory organs, usually a pair of eyes and a pair of antennae. The thorax is the central part of the insect’s body where the wings and legs are attached, allowing the insect to move in the air and on feeding surfaces. Typically, insects have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. The third part of the insect’s body structure consists of an abdomen where food is processed and also where the reproductive organs are found.
Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. The professor is talking about insects.
Describe the structure of an insect and explain why a spider is not strictly considered an insect.
Preparation Time:30 seconds
Recording Time:60 seconds
[Narrator 2] Number 4. Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. Then listen for a question about them. After you hear the question, you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer.
[Narrator 1] Now read the passage about insects printed on page 451. You have 45 seconds to complete it. Please begin reading now.
[Reading time: 45 seconds]
[Narrator 1] Now listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. The professor is talking about insects.
Strictly speaking, a spider is not an insect. True, it is an invertebrate and an arthropod, but it belongs to a class identified as arachnids. Arachnids are not included in the insect world because their body structure is very different. The bodies of spiders are divided into two parts—the... a head with a fused thorax, which is all one structure, and the second part is a separate abdomen joined to the large head-thorax part by a narrow stalk. The head contains what many researchers now believe is a highly developed brain. There are no antennae, but four pairs of eyes and eight legs covered with fine, sensitive hairs more than compensate for the absence of the antennae. These hairy legs and feet explore the environment sending sensory messages back to the brain. Okay... the abdomen—remember that’s the second part of the spider—it includes not only the digestive and reproductive systems but also the silk glands that allow spiders to spin their webs. So, as you see, even though spiders and insects are commonly grouped together as bugs, they are really not the same. An oversimplification is that spiders have too many legs and not enough wings. In reality, the entire body structure is quite different.
[Narrator 1] Describe the structure of an insect and explain why a spider is not strictly considered an insect.
[Narrator 2] Please prepare your answer after the beep.
[Preparation time: 30 seconds]
[Narrator 2] Please begin speaking after the beep.
[Recording time: 60 seconds]
Responses will vary
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