[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0392_20121[/img] [br] What are the students dis
[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0392_20121[/img] [br] What are the students dis
[br] What are the students discussing? Click on two answers.
W: How do you like your classes this semester?
M: Not bad, I guess.Thermodynamics is the hardest.It takes a long time for me to do the prablems, and then I don’t have enough time to do the reading for English and history.There just aren’t enough hours in a day.
W: I hear you.
M: How are your classes?
W: Pretty good, actually.All of my professors are great, and I really like my discussion class in Russian history.
M: Oh, yeah? How come?
W: Well, it’s really useful to get a chance to talk about what Dr.Finley says in the lecture, and also hear what other people have to say.We have two really cool TAs who lead the discussions.
M: Oh, yeah?
W: One guy is working on his doctorate in Russian studies, and he spent a year in Russia learning the language.He has this amazing ability to tie Dr.Finley’s lectures to things that he’s actually seen and experienced in Russia.He’s a great storyteller.The other TA-Anna-her family is from Russia, and she also has great stories, but mostly I like her way of drawing everyone into the discussion.
M: That sounds great for you.But personally, I’ve never cared for discussion classes.I prefer the lecture format.I’d rather listen to my professor than to my classmates.
W: Really? I like the discussions because we can go beyond the lecture and the reading.Not that the lectures are boring or anything-I’m not saying that-what I mean is, I get a lot out of the discussions.I think I learn more, you know, when I get a chance to talk about Russian history.I certainly remember more of the details.And that sure helped me on the first test.
M: Well, that’s good.I’m glad you like your class.So, are you still working in the pizza restaurant?
W: No.Not enough time.I need a job, but the restaurant was getting to be too much time.Somebody was always asking me to take their shift, and I’d end up working 25 hours a week.I never had enough time to study.
M: Hey, I know just the job for you! I saw-there’s a notice on the job board in the Student Center-I just saw it today.There’s a job opening for host of the graduate student lounge.
W: Oh, really? What does the host of the graduate student lounge do?
M: Oh, I don’t know ...make coffee and talk to people, stuff like that.But maybe you’d get a chance to do some reading during the quiet times.
W: You know, I think that might be just the kind of job I could handle right now.
A、How they feel about their classes
B、Applying for a job as a teaching assistant
C、Not having enough time to study
D、Stories from Russian history
The students discuss how they feel about their classes. The woman asks How do you like your classes this semester? The man replies Not bad I guess. Thermodynamics is" the hardest. The man asks How are your classes? The woman replies Pretty good, actually All of my professors are great, and I really like my discussion class in Russian history. The students also discuss not having enough time to study. The man says It takes a long time for me to do the problems, and then I don’t have enough time to do the reading for English and history. There just aren’t enough hours in a day. The woman says I hear you; ...I’d end up working 25 hours a week. I never had enough time to study. (2.1)
清暑益气汤中含有的是A.连翘、竹叶 B.知母、党参 C.天冬、党参 D.人
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