[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0732_20121[/img] [br] What aspect of her course
[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0732_20121[/img] [br] What aspect of her course
[br] What aspect of her course is the woman having trouble with?
[Advisor (mate)] Good afternoon, Elle. Come on in and have a seat. It’s sure been a long time
since I’ve met with you, hasn’t it?
[Student (female)] Yeah...I haven’t seen you since I signed up for classes at the end of last year. It’s
been a whole semester, I guess.
[Advisor] And how are your chemistry classes going? Are you still happy that you chose
chemistry as your major?
[Student] Oh yeah. I love it. My chemistry classes this semester are going great. Actually,
that’s not what I’m here to talk to you about.
[Advisor] Q4 Well, what can I help you with today?
[Student] It’s a problem with the elective I’m taking.
[Advisor] [trying to remember] Hmm...your elective...which is, um ...er...
[Student] [reminding her advisor] Art history.
[Advisor] Oh, that’s right. Well...what’s wrong?
[Student] Q1 It’s just--this is the first time I’ve ever taken a seminar...and, I don’t know
...the class format is so different from what I’m used to.
[Advisor] In what way?You mean because it’s not a lecture-oriented class?
[Student] Exactly. I mean, I’m comfortable with lecture-style classes because that’s what
my chemistry classes are always like. And all my other math and science
classes, too. Q1 But I feel so out of place in my art history seminar.
[Advisor] I see. Seminar-style classes do take a little bit of getting used to, especially if
you’ve only had lecture classes before. Q5 The whole point of the
seminar is to get students to talk about their opinions and really get involved
with the subject matter, rather than just listening to the professor talk. So, urn,
participation is essential to your grade.
[Student] Yeah--exactly. That’s why I’m worried. I mean, give me a report to do
or a research assignment. I’m good at those things. And I’ve always received
high grades on them. Q1 But 1 got an e-mail yesterday from my art history
professor saying that I’ve got to step up my participation in class or my grade is
going to suffer,
[Advisor] Are you having trouble understanding the subject matter?
[Student] No, that’s not it at all. I’m really interested in what we’re studying. We just
finished a unit on the Impressionist painters, and we talked about a lot of
paintings that I’ve always liked. You know...by people like Claude Monet and
Mary Cassatt. And the next unit is on the early twentieth-century painters, which
sounds fascinating.
[Advisor] Good. I can see you’re certainly enthusiastic about the class material.
[Student] Definitely...I think it’s really neat. And I feel like I have a good handle on
everything we’re learning. Q2 My only problem is that I, um, I seem to have
this fear of participating.
[Advisor] Well...I know you’re a good student, so I’m confident you’ll be able to overcome
the problem. But you’ll have to step outside your comfort zone and speak up in
class more.
[Student] Q1 But I just don’t know how to do that, Do you have any ideas?
[Advisor] Q3 Here...why don’t you do this? Start out by voicing one comment per class.
When you’re preparing for your next class and doing the readings on twentieth-
century painters, make notes about possible points you could bring up during
the seminar. Like...um, things that make one painter’s work different from the
others. Or find one painting that you really like and talk about why you like it.
[Student] Q3 OK, I could do that,
[Advisor] Yeah. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re not going to be graded on
the quality of your comments or anything.You just need to show your professor
that you’re thinking about the material and you’re engaged in the class. Then,
after a few classes, try moving from one comment to two...and so on.
[Student] That’s a great idea.Thanks so much.
[Advisor] Of course. And make sure to let me know how it works out.
A、The complexity of the subject matter.
B、The student input required in class.
C、The number of research assignments.
D、The professor’s unusual lecture style.
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共用题干 一般资料:求助者,女性,32岁,机关公务员。案例介绍:求助者主述,半