"College Campus" [img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_1159_20121[/img] [br] What is
"College Campus" [img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_1159_20121[/img] [br] What is
"College Campus"
[br] What is the purpose of this conversation?
Narrator: Listen to part of a conversation on campus between two students.
Man: I didn’t see you at the International Talent Show.
Woman: No time for that kind of thing.
Man: You mean you don’t belong to the ISA?
Woman: The ISA?
Man: International Student Association.
Woman: Oh, no. I don’t belong to any clubs.
Man: But this isn’t like a regular club.
Woman: How so?
Man: Well, we have a house~ You know, the brick house on fraternity row and...
Woman: You live there, right?
Man: Yeah. I moved in last year. It’s really inexpensive because we take care of the house
ourselves and we cook our own meals.
Woman: That sounds like it would take a lot of time.
Man: Not really. There’s a list of chores posted every week, and you can choose something
you like to do, so I usually put my name down for yard work. I like being outside so it’s
fun for me.
Woman: But you have to cook too, right?
Man: Okay, it’s like this: twenty of us live there so every night two of the guys cook and two of
the guys clean up, so you only have to cook about once a week and clean up once.
Woman: What about breakfast and lunch?
Man: Oh, well, you’re on your own for that, but the dinners are just fantastic It’s like eating in
a different ethnic restaurant every night~ You know, because the guys are from different
Woman: That sounds good.
Man: And it costs about hatf what it did to live in the dorm. But really, I’m doing it because it’s
a great experience living with people from so many different countries. My best friend in
the house is from Korea. My roommate’s from Brazil. And I’ve got friends from... well,
just about everywhere.
Woman: But you don’t have to live in the house to belong to the club.
Man: No, no. There are about a hundred members in the International Student Association.
Only guys live in the house, but there are a lot of women in the association. Woman:I wish I had time to do it. It really sounds interesting.
Man: You’ve got to relax sometimes. Anyway, we meet at the house the first Friday of the
month from seven to ten. We have a buffet dinner and after that, we have a short
meeting. That’s when we plan our activities, like the talent show and picnics and dances.
Then a lot of the people stay for music and a party, but some people leave after the Q21
Woman: So it’s only a couple hours a month.
Man: Right. Listen, why don’t you come over next Friday for the meeting, as my guest, I
mean. You have to eat anyway. And if you have a good time, you can think about joining. Q18
Woman: Next Friday? Well, I don’t know...I usually study on Friday night, but... I could take Q22
a break...Sure I’ll come over...but I might have to leave early.
Man: Great.
A、The woman is encouraging the man to be more serious about his studies.
B、The woman is looking for alternatives to living in dormitory housing.
C、The man is convincing the woman to join the International Student Association.
D、The man is trying to find out why the woman didn’t go to the talent show.
The man is convincing the woman to join the International Student Association. He invites the woman to attend a meeting as his guest.
A.a点为高电位,电流由a至b B.a点为高电位,电流b由至a C.b点为高
慢性肾衰竭患者继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进的可能参与因素有A.低钙血症 B.磷潴留
转让住房订立的应税凭证,免征个人(不包括个体工商户)应当缴纳的印花税。( )
35KV的杆塔周围禁止取土的范围是()m。A.4 B.5 C.8 D.